Gemstones have decorated weddings throughout the world since time immemorial. Very lovely, gemstones are also symbolic and stand for love, love, and prosperity. Gemstones as wedding decorations predominantly select theirs according to religion, society, and personal belief. Let us find out why these types of gemstones decorate weddings all across the globe.
1. Diamond – Lasting Love and Love
Diamonds were the gem of preference to wear on engagement finger rings for her for centuries due to the status of eternal love, purity, and solidity. The solidity of the diamond represents an unbreakable union of hearts. Diamond wedding bands began with Archduke Maximilian of Austria giving his fiancée the first documented diamond ring in the 15th century.
2. Ruby – Passion and Protection
Ruby also goes by the name of being the "king of gemstones" and is a protective symbol, symbol of love, and passion. Ruby protects the couple from evil and keeps them and their wealth safe in most of the world, particularly India and Southeast Asia. Red Ruby represents the fire and passion of the couple.
3. Sapphire – Loyalty and Wisdom
Blue theatrics of sapphires are stopping the imagination, and they represent nobility, prudence, and fidelity. Sapphires were associated with royalty since the discovery era, i.e., Princess Diana's blue sapphire engagement ring now worn by Kate Middleton. Sapphires once represented protection from hatred and jealousy in the wedlock.
4. Emerald – Growth and Harmony
Emeralds are also a sign of wedded bliss, fertility, and wealth. Emeralds indicate new life and eternity because it has the greenish hue. Egyptians believed emerald to be a resurrection symbol and therefore a gem of importance to the couple as they start anew.
5. Pearl – Innocence and Purity
Pearls never go hand-in-hand but with peace, innocence, and purity. All those from Asia would be overjoyed if they had pearls for peaceful and quiet living as well as being a friend to any at all costs. Pearls will adorn brides as jewelry, ushering peace and timeless classic beauty.
6. Amethyst – Protection and Tranquility
Amethyst, its calming purple color which is a reminder of peace, protection, and clear mind, is also being utilized in wedding flowers so the wedding would remain peaceful and evil beings would never come near the wedding.
7. Topaz – Love and Affection
Yellow and rose topaz particularly is a reminder of love, love, and happiness. It is also believed to create emotional bonds and make the wedding an energetic wedding.
8. Aquamarine – Peace and Courage
Aquamarine, blue-green, is peace stone, the courage stone, and truth stone. It is given to the brides on wedding day as a wishing blessing to wish their wedding peaceful and serene.
9. Garnet – Passion and Devotion
Garnets, dark red in color, are stone of protection, stone of loyalty, and passion stone. Garnets were served as an offering to guarantee return safely for the lovers and secure and long romance relationship.
10. Opal – Hope and Loyalty
Opals are represented fairly strongly in faithfulness, fantasy, and hope. Opals are certainly looked upon by others that while opals might be an unlucky stone, there also happen to be individuals for whom opals as a good luck stone form emotional associations among people.
Sum Up in a Nutshell
For instance, in the situation where the issue of conclusions is at stake, wedding stones are not shallow in nature since they would be more symbolic and this is so because of culture, tradition, and to the couple themselves. Symbolically chosen, as they are marvelous, or as they remind one of a special memory, wedding stones also bring fortune, prosperity, and magic to weddings throughout their life. In choosing the wedding stone, attempt to uncover the secret meaning of the stone in attempting to give your beautiful wedding and marriage a sense of sense.