What’s Zee.sy?
Welcome to Zee.sy – Pakistan’s number 1 and award winning artificial jewellery brand. Over 15 years of experience and expertise in the manufacturing of artificial jewellery has made Zee.sy one of the most exclusive traditional designer artificial jewellery brands in the fashion industry.
Zee.sy Establishment
Zee.sy is an established feminine label known for versatile, graceful and classy artificial jewellery with the ability to formulate creative vision while keeping its products parallel to the casual feel. Our brand philosophy is to offer distinctive artificial jewellery. We make it possible through our passion for the purest gemstones, luscious metals, sparkling color palettes, delightful bold pieces complemented with feminine classic designs and clinical workmanship.
Zee.Sy has something for everyone
Zee.sy Designer Artificial Jewellery has something for everyone, with charming bracelets, chunky rings, earrings, Mughal-inspired maalas & gold chains and bridal sets. The historic Mughal-era inspired chain necklaces are our specialty.